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You had me at Peter Dinklage and Musical...


Cyrano de Bergerac (played by Mr. Dinklage) is a man ahead of his time. Dazzling one and all

whether with ferocious wordplay at a verbal joust or with brilliant swordplay in a duel, the hale

and hearty Cyrano exults in gallantry and is always up for a challenge.


He has yet to declare his feelings for — and to — the luminous Roxanne (Haley Bennett of

Hillbilly Elegy); a lover of literature and a fierce intellect, Roxanne has been a devoted friend to

Cyrano since their hometown days. He has secretly been in love with her for his entire adult

life, but also convinced that his appearance renders him unworthy of her love.

If you know the story then skip down to the bottom.. But for those who don't...

Once Roxanne locks eyes with newly arrived King’s Guard recruit Christian (Kelvin

Harrison Jr. of The Trial of the Chicago 7), it is love at first sight. Christian is dashing yet

conflicted, bright but plagued by doubt. Roxanne pleads with Cyrano to promise her that he

will watch over and protect Christian. Cyrano does so, and encourages Christian to woo

Roxanne with love letters — instantly finding that Christian will need to avail himself of Cyrano’s

own heartfelt writing skills. In so doing, Cyrano will at last be able to express his true feelings to

Roxanne, albeit through someone else; caught in a cached love triangle, Cyrano finds his

conundrum at once vexingly funny and wistfully bittersweet. Yet he selflessly gives of himself to

inspire Christian and empower Roxanne towards each other, even as once-distant drums of war

grow louder. Together and apart they will all experience the heights of happiness, the depths

of despair, and destinies beyond what they each might have envisioned for themselves — as a

symphony of emotions envelops moviegoers with words, music, and beauty in Cyrano. (From the Production notes MGM)

Cyrano has all the elements that make for a great classic MGM love story. Dinklage is perfect in this reimagined role and has the pipes to carry the songs for the film. He continues to surpass and break barrier's as an actor. Though catching some heat for recent comments about actors of his size and rightfully so this critic can't wait to see what he does next.

4 out of 5 stars



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